Online Complaint Form

This channel is used for registering a complaint with our Complaints Team only.

If you have a general query about a product or service, you can chat with us through our Support Chat via our mobile app, or contact us on 0818 50 2424.

1. Your Details

2. Your complaint

0/1000 characters 0/1000 characters

3. Special Category: Personal Data

If, as part of your complaint, you have volunteered information which is considered special categories of personal data (i.e. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, or data concerning health, sex life or sexual orientation) and/or information relating to criminal convictions/offences, we will need your explicit consent before we can process such data (e.g. to consider this information when assessing your complaint). If you consent to us processing this data in relation to your complaint, please tick.

4. Security Check

Please ensure you are using a secure network/device to protect against your data being cached.
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