1816 1850 1900 1950 2000 2022

Company Timeline

Waterford Savings Bank is founded on 7 August 1816 1816 1817 Cork Savings Bank is founded on 20 December 1817. Dublin Savings Bank is founded on 11 February 1818. 1818 1819 Monaghan Savings Bank is founded on 26 April 1819. Limerick Savings Bank is f ounded on 10 Janua r y 1820. 1820 1884 The Irish T empe r ance Benefit Building Soci e t y is e s tablished in the Dublin C o f f ee P alace on 1 May 1884. Irish T empe r ance Benefit Building changes its name to Irish P ermanent Benefit Building Soci e t y . 1888 1940 The o f ficial name of the building soci e t y is simplified to Irish P ermanent Building Soci e t y . Irish Permanent Building Society acquires 13 O'Connel Street for its head office 1953 1963 Irish P ermanent Building Soci e t y becomes the la r ge s t building soci e t y in I r eland. In the fi rs t of a series of savings bank me r ge rs , Monaghan Savings Bank is acqui r ed b y Dublin Savings Ban k . 1977 1986 Cork Savings Bank and Limerick Savings Bank merge to form the Cork and Limerick Savings Bank. W ate r f o r d Savings Bank me r ges with what is n o w kn o wn as T ru s tee Savings Bank ( T SB) Dublin. 1988 1992 C ork and Limerick Savings Bank me r ges with T SB Dublin and T SB Bank is launched. Irish P ermanent Building Soci e t y d e -mutualises and becomes a publicly li s ted compan y . 1994 1999 Irish P ermanent me r ges with Irish Li f e, the la r ge s t insu r ance p r o vider in I r eland. Irish Li f e & P ermanent plc is c r eated with Irish P ermanent continuing to ope r ate as the banking arm of the g r ou p . Irish Li f e & P ermanent acqui r es T SB Bank which is integ r ated with Irish P ermanent to c r eate a n e w r e tail bank – P ermanent T S B . 2001 2002 P ermanent T SB is launched to the mar k e t as the r eb r anded banking ope r ation of the Irish Li f e & P ermanent G r ou p . Irish Li f e & P ermanent r epo r ts significant losses as a r esult of the collapse of the p r ope r t y mar k e t and the ensuing financial crisi s . 2009 2011 Irish Li f e & P ermanent r equi r es a g ov ernment bailout and becomes 99.2% s tate o wned. P ermanent T SB sepa r ates f r om Irish Li f e & P ermanent and becomes a wholly o wned subsidia r y of P ermanent T SB G r oup Holdings pl c . F ormal r e s tructuring plans f or the Bank a r e app r ov ed b y the Eu r opean C ommission. 2012 2015 P ermanent T SB r e turns to p r ofitabili t y f or the fi rs t time since 2007. P ermanent T SB joins with the f our other r e tail ban k s ope r ating in I r eland to launch the Irish Banking C ultu r e Boa r d whose purpose is to help r ebuild public tru s t in Irish financial in s titution s . 2019 2021 P ermanent T SB signs a binding ag r eement to acqui r e €7.6 billion of R e tail and SME ass e ts f r om Ul s ter Ban k , including the Lomba r d A ss e t Finance busines s . The bank is n o w firmly f ocused on deli v ering su s tainable comme r cial and p r ofitable g r o w th as w e continue to g r o w our sha r e in the Irish mar k e t . 2022 and be y ond... > Our Banking Heritage The origins of Permanent TSB. Explore here